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Letter Re: Prospects for the UK after TEOTWAWKI

The Times Online article that you cited regarding the Woman victimised by yobs [1] highlights a very real danger that will present itself when the normal order of things breaks down. The UK has a massive underclass of welfare dependant, socially excluded individuals who live in inner city areas. It is by no means a problem exclusive to the inner Cities. There are council sink estates in most parts of the UK. Many of these individuals are the result of multi generation benefit dependency. They are often poorly educated and lacking any real prospect of meaningful employment. In addition there is a growing Gang culture that is not restricted to ethnic minority groups. The use of firearms and violence by these gangs is becoming commonplace.

Another group that is likely to become a problem in the event of social breakdown is the Traveller Community. [Also called gypsies, in the U.S.] These groups of itinerants travel in Caravan convoys throughout the UK. They generally camp on waste ground close to commercial estates where they can steal with impunity. Protected by human rights laws, there is little that the Police can do about them. They also have a reputation for extreme violence.

The UK’s growing problem with illegal immigration is another area of concern. Police forces throughout the UK are reporting a steady rise in crime, particularly sexual assaults on women.

Our under resourced Police forces are already struggling to deal with this state of lawlessness. In the event of a major socioeconomic collapse they will be completely overwhelmed in a matter of days.

The vast majority of people in the UK are unarmed and will have no means of defending themselves or their families. In addition many people are terrified of using violence in self defence because of the legal ramifications. We can only hope that the current state of relative stability remains in place for as long as possible. – PJ