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Odds ‘n Sods:

While on the road yesterday we were traveling though horse country. Every little herd seemed to have at lest one Paint or Appaloosa. I think that what we were witnessing was the collective maneuvering of umpteen rancher’s daughters. Obviously they all convinced daddy of their fond desires.

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Today we are looking ar some real estate on behalf of a consulting client. The criteria list is extensive. In this case we are looking for a remote property that is well off any expected refugee lines of drift. The property must be at least five acres and it have a large creek or river running through it, and have adjoining Forest Service or BLM land on at least three sides. The budget for an unimproved parcel (no house yet built) is $100,000, or with an existing house, $275,000. That may sound impossible, but at least the client is willing to look at off-grid parcels. With that option, we might be able to find him something in his price range.

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Reader J K mentioned: I don’t recall seeing mention of Gorilla Tape [1] on this site and if that’s so, you need to check it out. It looks just like black duct tape but it is *much* better, so much so that I would be tempted to put it on the very top of my “must have for survival” list! You might check with your big box stores to see if they’d sell you a case of it at a discount. I would suggest you take each roll that you’re going to store and seal it in a vacuum sealer bag (I’m fairly sure that a low oxygen environment will increase the lifetime of the adhesive, as it will with duct tape.). In my many years of looking into such things, I’ve never run across another product with the “fix-it” potential of this stuff and I say that as someone who has no financial interest in the company.