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Letter Re: Preparedness-Oriented Homeschooling Curriculum

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Hello Rawles Family,
We have been viewing your site for a few months after reading “Patriots” [5] (loved it!) and have a suggested resource for other families.

We are long term veteran homeschooling family, self sufficiency oriented, husband former military (Viet Nam), ordained ministers who choose to develop house church networks in view of the likely future. We currently reside in upper northwest Montana after being in other regions gaining broad experience.

We wrote a preparedness homeschooling curriculum based on Swiss Family Robinson and a sequel based on Robinson Crusoe. The first year builds academics around family teamwork and the second teaches independent decision making and leadership. It is designed for all ages toddler through adult to learn together. Please view our web site at: www.prepareandpray.com [6] for more info. We have spoken at many state homeschool conventions, been published in many homeschool magazines and have an excellent online review posted at www.TheHomeschoolMagazine.com [7]

In all our awareness of current world events it is vital that our children be trained NOW while there is still time. Science can be learned by gardening, raising small livestock, using levers and pulleys doing real work, and outdoorsmanship; history can be learned by studying heroes of the faith and seasons of difficulty and triumph; health is learned with first aid and nutrition, plagues, and purity.We waste no time, money, or energy but encourage families to strongly focus for a year or two giving children skills that will last a lifetime and likely save their lives in the future. This is done vicariously through good children’s literature to avoid any impartation of fear. We train families to become overcomers, not victims.

In His Service, – Jim and Robin Brashear, Overcomers Books and Supplies