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Odds ‘n Sods:

“No sheep in the house!” In recent weeks we have been pasturing our small flock of Jacob sheep inside the fenced acre right near our house, to work the grass down. (The goal has been to minimize wiildfire danger.) While here at the house, the sheep have been getting into a little mischief. Yesterday our ram developed a taste for the leaves on our grape vines. So I’ll have to put up a small protective fence. They’ve also decided that our front porch is the safest place to sleep. So every morning we get to sweep the “Rasinets” off the porch. Charming. The latest outrage came when someone left the front sun porch door open. Soon, the porch was crowded with sheep, milling around, no doubt searching for the source of their C-O-B [1] sweet feed. So I had to shoo them out with shouts of “No sheep in the house!” And of course they left a few souvenir Rasinets.

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Survival Blog reader R.O. e-mailed this comment: : “I suggest than everyone read (or re-read) Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged.” It was required reading while I was in grad school in the 1960s. Da**ed if most of it isn’t coming true today.

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Rourke [2] flagged this article: Home Sales Decline in 28 U.S. States and District of Columbia. [3] Rourke noted: “This is just the beginning of a market that will be be flooded with homes for sale, as people can’t afford to refinance at higher rates, or can’t afford the gas for [a] commute.”