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Letter Re: Packing Priority and Vehicle Signs to Facilitate G.O.O.D.

I have read your blog as well as your book “Patriots” [1] for a long time now, along with other web sites and articles. I find great information, some of which I must print out and save. I started an accordion folder with printouts, sorted by type, such as…food, shelter, skills, firepower, etc. Can’t leave these on a computer since retrieval without electricity would be impossible.
I believe the more probable catastrophe will be an economic one, possibly related to terrorist activities and have planned accordingly. I have my small retreat, eight acres in the North Georgia mountains, four acres in woods, the rest in farmable pasture land.One half acre in garden and fruit now, and another acre available prepared with little effort. I have a strong year round creek on one property line and a shallow well that gives plenty of water. I figure that if times get truly bad I can expect family nearby (as many as 15) to want to come stay with me. I cannot refuse them and am planning accordingly. I have drafted letters and e-mails to be sent last minute telling them what to expect. I tell them if they plan to come to proceed in the following manner:

1- Acquire all available cash, (savings, checking, stashed, mad money, etc)
2- Fill up one vehicle with gas. (Purchase, empty other car, lawnmower, etc)
3-Refill as much prescription drugs as they can afford, even using credit cards. Don’t worry about insurance, just pay the price.
4- Leaving just enough room for people, pack the car in this order of value:
a-Non perishable foods, spices, etc.
b-Medicines and medical devices
c-Arms and ammo, knives, axes, maintenance items,
d-Clothes, heavy duty everyday wearable, don’t forget out
of season clothes
e- Cooking and preserving items, dishes, pots, supplies
f-Any fuels and oils, kerosene, motor oil, charcoal. propane
g-Tools, battery operated items (radios)
h- Mattress (not box springs), linens, towels, etc.
i-Personal items, brushes, books, razor,
5- Have some means of communication, cell phone, C.B. or walkie-talkie for on the road.
Bottom line is: DON’T ARRIVE EMPTY HANDED. They won’t be turned away, but let them know something is expected.

I have rated each person as to capability to work and defend the homestead and expect each to do a fair share of any duty assigned. Some will be able to guard homestead, some would be of little use in that capacity, at least at first. Proper motivation and training can happen along the way.

One item that I have thought of that may not occur to others preparing is [purchasing a pair of ] magnetic [vehicle door] signs. I have several of these made up for my vehicle. One says simply— SOIL SURVEY. I have put this on the side of my truck while out scouting and placing caches and no one questions me walking about with notepad or digging tool. Best not to be seen, but sometimes hiding in plain sight is a good alternative. Other signs could include:


None of these are meant to infer any government or official capacity and if questioned, I intend to state that I am an independent contractor.The proper wording might even come in handy in a bug-out situation getting past a rookie roadblock operation.
Good luck and continued success with your endeavors. – PeacePipe in North Georgia

JWR Replies: Needless to say, folks, but never attempt to impersonate a government agent. The “private contractor” idea might work, especially if it is backed up with some business cards with your name the same job title. But honesty is the best policy. If your retreat is across state lines, then get your next driver’s license and vehicle registration in the state where you have your retreat property. There is no more compelling story–especially if it is substantiated by a state-issued driver’s license–than a truthful one: that you just want to get home. When the Schumer hits the fan, you will be referring to your second home–that you will doubtless want to make your full time residence.