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Letter Re: Another Recommendation for the Survival and Austere Medicine e-Text

Mr. Rawles,
The subject of survival medicine is one which you touched upon in your novel “Patriots” [1] (nicely done, I might add) as well as occasionally via letters to your blog. All well and good but far less than the subject merits insofar as it may weigh into our collective futures. If I may be so bold I’d like to suggest that it be given at least as much attention as the nifty gadgets readers are often eager to promote.
You may or not be aware of a relatively new book on the subject, perhaps the first if not the only peer-reviewed volume on the subject of survival medicine in general. I am speaking of the 2005 publication of Survival and Austere Medicine: An Introduction [2].
The book was written by a small group of writers that include two physicians trained and practiced in the art of medical care under unusually austere conditions, as well as the more common clinical practices known to all.
The book is available to everyone with a computer, an internet connection and an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) reader application. It is free to download and print for your own use.
In addition the authors have chosen to publish a hard copy version for which they collect no royalties, the better to make it accessible to everyone at very reasonable cost (under $20 shipped). It can be ordered direct from the publisher. [3]
Keep up the good work of spreading the word on surviving difficult times. The world is becoming a harsher place every day and only a blind man would fail to see them for what they are.
Sincerely, – RR

JWR Replies: You are actually the fifth SurvivalBlog reader to mention it, and I posted the link once before, but it bears repeating. Austere Medicine as an invaluable reference! Coincidentally, the hard copies of the book are available from Cafe Press–the same folks that make the SurvivalBlog T–shirts and other logo products.