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Letter Re: Surplus Wireless and Hard Wire Seismic Intrusion Detection

Hi Jim,
I like your site! (And enjoyed “Patriots” [1] quite a bit, too!) It was referred to your site by a customer in Louisiana. My customer mentioned that I could probably mention my remaining TRS-2 PEWS [2] seismic intrusion detectors on your site.
We have about 30 detector/transmitters (DT-577 V(6) /TRS-2) left. @ $60/ea. (these run on a 9VDC [3] ‘transistor radio’ battery for about two weeks, and are on 150.6 MHz [4])
Also have about a dozen of the R-1808 V(6) /TRS-2 Receivers (same frequency) @ $500 each. (These run on two each 9VDC batteries for a couple of days.) All of the PEWS gear is unused, and in original boxes. The Receiver includes an operator’s manual, programming instructions for the sensors, antenna, and headset.
This system detects vehicle or personnel intrusions within a 10 meter radius of the sensor, and transmits the sensor ID#, and whether it was a personnel or vehicle intrusion to the Receiver up to a mile away. I also have a couple of used PSR-1 ‘wired’ sets, with four geophones, at $350 per set. This gear, as well as other neat stuff is on my web site, www.meco.org [5] Keep your powder dry. – Ira J. Moser, Owner, MECO, Tel.: (425) 788-0208, E-mail: ira@meco.org

JWR Replies: I consider intrusion detection systems a must for any serious retreat. Even just getting a photocell “driveway alarm” is better than nothing. BTW, please check with our paid advertisers for comparison pricing first, before buying big-ticket items like seismic intrusion detection systems or night vision gear. OBTW, one useful hint: You can use most 2 Meter Band [6] amateur receivers as the receiving unit for many wireless intrusion detection sets that operate on frequencies between 142 MHz and 152 MHz.