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Letter Re: Request for Advice on Backup Power for a Well Pump

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Can you or one of the gang offer some advice? We live in a nicely secluded area, but are all electric. We have a well. Our well man says it is impractical and very costly to install a hand pump on our present well setup.
What would be a practical procedure to utilize a small generator to power the water well when/if the power goes down for a week or so, for short
term use. Do we need an electrician to hook things up, and exactly what? I realize, long-term, greater expense will be needed, and it is in our priorities to so accomplish. However, a viable, practical short-term procedure is what we seek. Any and all input appreciated. – IcePick

JWR Replies: You need to make a couple of inquiries: First, ask your well/pump man if your pump is 120 VAC [4] or 220 VAC. If it is a 220 volt model, then you will need a special generator or you will have to retrofit with a 120 VAC pump. Next, you need to call several local electricians, and get them to put in competitive bids for installing a proper bypass breaker panel and cabling it to your generator. I’ve seen people describe improvised”Jerry rigged” male-to-male extension cord generator hookups, but these do not meet NEMA [5] code and are potentially hazardous–both for you and the hapless power company linemen attempting to restore power to your community. Perhaps some readers have some recommendations on a particular switch/circuit breaker arrangement that is safe, meets code, and is not overly expensive.