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Letter Re: Military Strobe Light Batteries

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Regarding’s Dave’s recent mention of the Firefly strobe: “…the PX32 can also be used in an adapter for the old “Firefly” strobe…”
I just thought that I’d mention the solution I found for military strobe batteries. Actually, I may be thinking of another strobe, the military SDU-5E orange rescue strobe.An amazing gentleman, Brooke Clarke, has simply done so much for so many at his site: http://www.pacificsites.com/~brooke/ [3] .
Be it a military radio, or a cool battery facilitator, Brooke is simply amazing. Here’s the URL for his adaptors: http://www.pacificsites.com/~brooke/PRC68COM.shtml [4] or directly for the strobe adapter: http://www.pacificsites.com/~brooke/5BA.shtml [5].
I know he made my life a lot nicer with two 3 volt lithium batteries powering my rescue strobe.God bless Brooke for all he’s done and all he will do for all of us.
Best Regards, – The Army Aviator