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Odds ‘n Sods:

Some interesting country rankings:  http://www.aneki.com/lists.html [1]

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Rumors have started full scale salt and sugar hoarding in Russia: http://english.pravda.ru/russia/economics/20-02-2006/76194-salt-0 [2]

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SurvivalBlog reader Lyn recommends: http://www.boatuscom/goodoldboat/pressure.htm [3] (“A link about pressure cooking, good for newbies, that has a section at the end on how to make a water distiller using a pressure cooker. Also, 15 pounds of pressure is the minimum needed to sterilize hospital equipment. Plus of course food cooks quicker, saving fuel.”)

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I’m pleased to see that the Firefox browser has become so popular. The Secret Squirrels tell me that it is much more secure than either Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Here at the Rawles Ranch we are glad that we made the switch to Firefox. We hope that you will consider doing likewise. Hey, it’s free, so you have no excuse. See: http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ [4]