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Odds ‘n Sods:

There is some very useful information on battlefield survival skills at this static web site: http://www.survivethewar.com [1].  Much of this info is applicable for preparedness-minded folks like you and me. Take a look.

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Gary North [2] quoted sage economist John Templeton as stating that when the housing bubble pops, real estate house prices might decline as much as 90%.  Dr. North is less pessimistic. My personal view is that as the housing bubble collapses, “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke will be simultaneously cranking up the printing presses. The net effect will be that your house won’t go down significantly in dollar terms, but those dollars won’t buy even half as much in another five years. Charming.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:  The second half of the “Aughts” will be a lot like the second half of the 1970s, with plenty of inflation.

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In a recent commentary, economic pundit Doug Casey recommends: “Stockpile beans, bullets, bullion, booze and barter items.” See: http://www.kitcocasey.com/displayArticle.php?id=485 [3]

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The Daily Reckoning [4] reports that personal bankruptcies have hit an all time high in both the U.S. and England.  But they tell us that we are in the midst of an economic recovery. So how many bankruptcies will there be in the next recession?