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Letter Re: Recommended Spare Parts For AR-15s and A Planned Move to Wyoming

Great site Mr. Rawles! I view it most every day. Have also passed your book (“Patriots”) [1] on to two friends after having my two sons read it. I have a general question for your readers. I just purchased a Bushmaster .223 [AR-15 [2] clone] with Eotech site system. I am wondering during a TSHTF [2] scenario what parts to this weapon should I have in backstock? [JWR’s replies are in-line, in bold.]

Ideally, it would be best to a have a complete spare carrier assembly, to provide a quick “in the heat of battle” replacement in case you break a firing pin or extractor, or you gall an ejector. (99% of AR-15 bolts are “automatic headspacing”, so the assembly is a drop-in replacement.) If you are on a tight budget, get just ONE EACH of these critical high breakage/high loss subcomponents from the bolt carrier group: Firing pin, Firing pin retaining pin, Ejector, Ejector spring, Ejector retaining pin, Extractor, Extractor retaining pin, and Extractor spring (with nylon insert). The only other parts that I’ve seen break (or get lost) are ejection port cover springs and buffer retainers. However, both of those are non-critical to the function of the rifle. Buttstocks and handguards also break (albeit, less frequently). If you have a generous budget, get spares of all of those in addition to a complete spare bolt carrier assembly.

I have a .300 Weatherby Magnum, M1A [2], and a Remington 270 [Winchester bolt action] as my Rifleman weapons.

It sounds like you are squared away on long range guns. The .223 that you mentioned is indeed fun to shoot, but consider your M1A your PRIMARY rifle. Get plenty of magazines, web gear, spare parts, and ammo for your .308 semi-auto battle rifle! OBTW, you wife really needs her own M1A, as well.  Remember the SurvivalBlog motto: “Two is one, and one is none.”

One other question. I am currently reading Molon Labe, excellent work, is there a FSP [2] going on in Wyoming?

Yes there is an active Free State Wyoming (FSW) Project [3]. See: http://www.freestatewyoming.org/ [3]. Wyoming is great place to live, and FSW is indeed a worthy project. Go for it!  OBTW, there are dedicated discussion boards on the FSP at The Claire Files [4].

If so, I am there. My wife and I are both RN [2]s and feel there is always a need for our services.

Nursing is a great profession that will allow you to live just about anywhere! OBTW, in my estimation the healthcare professions will be just about the only ones that are “offshoring proof” in the next couple of decades. (Consider this a strong hint for any of our readers–male or female–that are in college or nearing college and considering a career.) Good luck with your move. See my data on Wyoming at our Retreat Areas [5] page. As detailed there, the length of growing season varies widely in Wyoming. My advice is to go for the warmer country at low elevation. And plan on building a big greenhouse, regardless of where you settle in Wyoming. Snow has been reported in every month in every county in Wyoming.

Following your move to Wyoming, your .300 Weatherby will work fine as a rifle for taking elk, and your .270 Winchester will be ideal as a long range rifle for deer and antelope.  There is no need to buy different rifles.