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Letter Re: Other Web Sites and Newsletters

I subscribe to the [name deleted] investment e-mail newsletter. If you go to the web page listed below, he has an article where he gives his opinion of the “doom-and-gloom” naysayers. I don’t think he was speaking about you specifically, but I thought you might be interested in reading what he has to say and maybe responding to him with a rebuttal. I also wonder how you feel about someone like [name deleted], who claims he runs a survival, not a survivalist web site. I had never considered that there was a difference until he pointed it out. Thanks again for taking the time to read this and please let me know what you think. – P.S.

JWR Replies: Even though I have been offered some complimentary subscriptions, I intentionally avoid reading economic or preparedness blogs and newsletters on a regular basis, for fear that I might consciously or subconsciously mirror what they say. I don’t want to sound divisive or critical of the other writer’s views, but trying to distinguish between a “survivor” and a “survivalist” is splitting haIrs, IMO.

Yes, I’m firmly in the gloom and doom camp, or perhaps call it the “guns and groceries” camp. I’m definitely not in the “Buy a chateau in the Swiss Alps and Krugerrands for barter” camp.

My years in Army intelligence really opened my eyes to a number of factors, most significantly just how incredibly cheap human life is regarded in most developing countries, and how very thin the veneer of civilization is in all countries. In the event of a major war, and major pandemic, or even just major economic troubles both individuals and governments will show their true colors very quickly. It may sound pessimistic, but the only hope that I have is in God’s providence to put me in the right place with good Christian friends that I can count on.