Odds ‘n Sods:

Veterans Place Corrupt County Board Under Citizen’s Arrest – They Laugh, Until the Sheriff Shows Up . – M.L.

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Father Of Black Teenager Murdered By Illegal Alien Asks ‘Do Black Lives Really Matter?’

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SurvivalBlog reader H.E. writes in to say: “Here is what I discovered by accident. The silver heat shields for vehicle windows can also be used in your homes. Your body heat can’t be detected from outside. I was in fire department years ago. We used a scanner to find where people may be in building. Using this material can stop people from seeing where you are moving in your home. This material can be bought from builders supply places. People need to try this on homes.”

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Pantry Items That Expire Way Before You Think They Do. – K.C.

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‘Warrior’ fungus could wipe out a quarter of British wheat crop. – RBS